Lifestyle Nutrition Strategy
Imagine how amazing it would feel to (finally) wake up in the morning knowing you have a strategy to help you get strong and lean, a plan you can stick to that shapes your body for Life.
Imagine how amazing it would feel to (finally) wake up in the morning knowing you have a strategy to help you get strong and lean, a plan you can stick to that shapes your body for Life. Not a crazy plan, simply real whole food combined with smart, efficient workouts.
Imagine, never having to do another ridiculous diet, you know, those impossible to stick with, quick fix plans? Never again. I have been there, I have done them all and they are not sustainable.
No more of that feeling where you blew your diet the day before, and now here you are, starting-over again.
Imagine not having to listen to well-meaning family and friends who are on the latest fad diet that …works amazing… You will kindly smile and thank them, because you have found what truly works. And it's Not a trendy diet.
Real whole food that nourishes your body. Smart, efficient workouts that get you results, and that inner work that is the key to a stress free balanced and vibrant life. Combine all those together and you have it.
Imagine living in a body that is more strong, shapeyly and sexy again (maybe it's been a long time, that’s okay). Workouts are simple, consistent, tried and true. And imagine not fussing over food anymore, or trying to control it. Food becomes something to be enjoyed, not feared or controlled. Food becomes Nourishment.
With these is easier. You feel Stronger in all ways. Your partner notices your energy shift (and a few other changes). You are more present with your kids, and you enjoy going out and socializing again. You are confidently wearing great clothes rather than hiding your body under heavy, baggy clothes, because you're Proud of it.
And the best part? Others will be asking you what the heck you've been doing, why you look so dang radiant. Who doesn’t want to glow with good health!
At SSC it's all about having a customized plan that is based on tried and true experience. Each plan is based solidly on proven, results-oriented science, with strategies that Work. No second guessing, simply lasting results. This is a Lifestyle approach and it absolutely works.
Yes, I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two over the years. I'm 54, and I have been teaching/training/coaching for over 35 years. More importantly, I have experienced the body, metabolism and hormonal changes just like you, as I moved through my 20’s (insecure body image, and a bout with an eating disorder), 30's (two pregnancies in my late 30’s), 40's (peri-menopause), 50's (menopause, we understand so much more about hormones now). I plan to keep living an active vibrant healthy lifestyle right into my 90”s. So let's just say experience is on my side...with years of courses and certifications in all things fitness, yoga, nutrition and wellness.