PERFECTION doesn’t really exist.

PERFECTION doesn’t really exist. The simple truth is – CONSISTENCY MATTERS MOST...Sometimes we fall into the belief that our nutrition and workouts have to be PERFECT to achieve results.

April 12, 2023

PERFECTION doesn’t really exist.

The simple truth is – CONSISTENCY MATTERS MOST...

Sometimes we fall into the belief that our nutrition and workouts have to be PERFECT to achieve results.

I had to learn this the hard way. I did all the things, I grew up in the 80’s & 90’s with every possible ‘diet trend’, and sure I have tried most of them. I often had success in the beginning and then failed because I couldn’t stick to the extremes for long.

PERFECT doesn’t actually exist. When we are too strict with ourselves or set our expectations too high, we can’t stick with it long term. And lifestyle is what we want. Things have to be doable, long term. Life is for LIVING.

I had someone say to me the other day…

“I bet you’re perfect with your diet.”

…And I just laughed because I am soooo not perfect with my nutrition. I am HUMAN and real, I have stress, kids, run a business, get lazy, and sometimes eat for the wrong reasons.

We are all fabulously flawed and human.

TRUTH: I eat out of stress and when I am tired.

Sometimes I eat too much (my Hubbie is a fabulous cook).

Sometimes I get lazy and don't prep. Then I eat whatever is available quick. Usually I can come up with something that is pretty healthy, but not always.

Luckily workouts and staying active is built into my career, but sometimes I don’t go as hard. Sometimes I NEED to not go as hard. I have learned to listen to what my body needs. Sometimes we need to back off.

I enjoy a glass of wine on the weekends, sometimes more than one. The difference? I enjoy the wine or the treat, I give myself permission to do that, and then I get right back on track.

Sometimes I eat like a 7 year old just whatever I am craving, it’s random. Let me tell you, sometimes ice cream just seems like medicine, am I right?!?!

How is this possible? How can this still be BALANCED? Achieving a healthy strong fit body isn’t about being perfect. If we can eat well and workout consistently 80% of the time, we see RESULTS. Those daily habits, moving everyday, all those healthy choices we make day after day add up. And over time those choices are like money in the bank.

It’s a lot of pressure trying to be perfect, that unnecessary pressure can backfire.

When we think perfection matters most, we can trigger a constant yo-yo cycle, or in more extreme situations eating disorders occur. If we deprive ourselves, avoiding everything that isn’t ‘perfect’, eventually we can’t take it anymore …eventually we ‘crack’.

The good news is, we can turn all of this on it’s head.

It is absolutely possible to eat well, feel good, workout often and see RESULTS. We can find more ways to be consistently good enough. We can find workouts we enjoy. We can eat healthy food that tastes good, that work well with the lifestyle we want.

So perfection…well it’s overrated. Letting go of that chase for perfection is life changing.


Small consistent habits over time snowball. I perfect with my diet? Far from it.

But am I consistent? Do I eat well most of the time?


Learn how to dial in your nutrition and your workouts to match your needs, your lifestyle and your goals. If you need some help give me a call, that’s what I do.


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